the look
Have a really nice time at cell group last Fri..
Like usual, we had ice breaker before we start worshipping and sharing.. but somehow, it's bit different this time.
Cause....of the punishment.
The punishment of the ice breaker is.....the loser has to make a 'die until very cham' look.
Not only that but other winners can took picture of the 'look'....haha
Everyone of us 'get the chance' to lose all got to do the 'look'...
I put some here.....
ops.....everyone get to see our ugly face lo...... * image ady...*

hmmm, so how you think about them ler?
hehee....o,ya..forgot to introduce....
They are Flora, Jenny, Pui Yee, Chee Leong, Danny...and me...*the last one*...
but, they said (and I felt so) that my look not really look like 'die until very cham' le...
hmmm, how? I dunno how to 'die untill very cham' laaa...
teach me le.....
**eh, take ur own pic n show me oo~~ ;) lol...**
Err, very unique? =P
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