teluk kumbar seafood
I went back Pg and have a nice mother's Day celebration with my family and a blessed weekend oo~
Without informing my mum, I curi-curi went back Pg last Fri.
Hehee, she was really surprised by me ler...but I knew, she was happy~~
Due to some inconvenient, my sis and I decided to 'ta pao' (takeaway) from the seafood restaurant.
It was my first time went to this "Good Friend" (direct translate from the Chinese) seafood restaurant in Teluk Kumbar, Penang.
If you stayed in Pg, you will know, we Pg ppl always go to Tambun for seafood, but now I wanna tell you all--this Teluk Kumbar's seafood is nice toooo~~
Here are some pictures that I took at the seafood can enjoy the beach view while you eating oo~

Ok, after ta pao-ing, we went home for dinner lo~~~
See what we order.....

Fried sotong~


Hmm, what this call in Eng?? we called it--Ha Ko (hokkien)......hmm......aiya, dunno ler...

There were few more...but we were just too, this 'group pic' is the last one lo...

My sis and I was bit regreted...because...we order too much...
haha, eat until we like so kesian ler....:P
O,ya...some of you guys might thinking...will it be expensive eating there?
No!!! it's not expensive at all, and I think it's cheap ler. Guess how much we spent on this dinner???
Guess la....
Less than one hundred oo~~
Recommend to you la.....Teluk Kumbar seafood....not bad not bad~~
Although it was just a short trip back Pg, and I am still tired now...but I really have a nice time...& I was blessed shoe...clothes....muahahhaa...
Here is the last one,
I took this at Penang Bridge when I was on my way back Kl yesterday...

I like the's nice......
ha ko
one of the names is mantis prawn
i LOVE it!
simon> oo, mantis prawn la...ya ler, i also like it.....especially when put in the hokkien mee (prawn mee in Kl)...
i hate you wan la! we go penang ... u never take us there! angri liao ... ask ta jie scold u ... TAJIE TAJIE! U SEE ...
andrew>aiya, i also just know about the place ma... dun angry ler.. sayang sayang ha... bring u all there when u all come to Pg next la, k?
sayang le... ;p
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