mua chee
If you know me long enough, you will know that I do not like soft soft food...
Hmm, soft soft case you all don't get what I mean.......I give some examples la.
Soft soft food, like...porridge...creamy stuff.... **get what I mean, rite??**
Anyway, that's not I wanna talk about today....
today's topic is Mua Chee.
Mua Chee, if you do not heard it will be really difficult for me to explain to you..
Mua Chee=is a direct translate from the Mandarin
Ok, don't be so long-winded..

yeah~~ this is mua chee
There are several mua chee stalls in Pg, but there's only three stall taste good...
1. Behind Looking-good plaza, but the uncle....only sells when he is in good mood.....haha
2. Lip Sin pasar malam, every fri. But, the bad thing is, you can only catch it once a week..hehehe
3. At Genting kopitiam at Green Lane.... **the one I bought n took picss**

look closer...
still, among these three, I preferred the third one.
coz--the mua chee always hot hot....n with a lot of peanuts oo~~

I teruk la.....look at all these pictures....get hungry ler!!
simon WANTS muachee!!
simon LOVES muachee!
look what you've done..
simon is in nz-- how to get mua chee!?
*goes insane*
best blog post of the year..
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