Moulin Rouge
Sunday, as usual it's a lazy day.
I planned to do half of my two-pages script which has to submit on coming Thurs, but, I fail to do so.....
Somehow, it's still glad that at least...I have wrote on few scenes...
O,ya...I watch a movie home.
I get to get the Moulin Rouge's Dvd from CT after dinner just now..
Moulin Rouge, pronounced as Mu-Lan Rouge...
(so pai se, I keep pronounced it as Mou-ling Rouge...) ;p
I guess some of you guys might watched it d...but sadly to say...I don't even know about this movie until my housemate told me that it's smtg like Perhaps Love.
As I like Perhaps Love a I tell myself, I MUST watch this Moulin Rouge.

Poster of Moulin Rouge
Finished watch it about half an hour ago.
It is a nice movie and it's a beautiful love story..
But, still I not so agree with what my housemate said about "Perhaps Love copy Moulin Rouge's idea, and the two movies are so similar.."
O? Really?
Although I have to admit that there are similarities...but the cinematography and storyline are different....
Quite different.
After all, I like it as well.
Dunno is that because of I am a girl or what, I feel that I always preferred love story....touching story..
Here is the nice phrase in Moulin Rouge:
~ The greatest thing you'll ever learn...Is just to Love, and be Loved in return. ~
ahahaha ... u can pronounced as MOU LAN ROUGE
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