Easter !!
Happy Easter!!~
Hmm, what you think of when it's Easter ler??
I think most people will come out with this answer......same as me..
This year is the very first time i celebrate Easter..not to say dint celebrate before...
..but this time....with a clearer vision...
Let's show you all something....
I bought this days ago....but, cause of I am too busy with my assignments...
..tend to forgot about it! ops.. ;p
hehee....ok ler, show you all my new 'pet'..

It's actually a plant....and the seed is inside the eggshell....hehe
so..ya lo...will try my best to plant it ler...
We shall be really patient and see how would it turns out oo~~

--see this while went pudu area this noon, can you see what are those white thingy?? ----yeah, schools's white shoes...haha, aren't they creative?? hang so high.... ;p ----
**going back pg.... ;)**
haha .. why your picture size all different one?
hmm, i dunno ler...:(
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