the week
opps, please don't misunderstand...not Santa la!!! ;p
pai se ler, not blogging for almost a week, i guess.
so,I'm here to do a summary of the holiday week ler.
First, Happy Deepavali and Selamat Hari Raya!!
err, I think I bit late, but the most important is got the heart to greet la...rite?
ok, this week, I would say almost everyone around me are in holidays..
but, i din have my holidays lo. I spent my time with my works (assign and shooting)
hehe. although I din had a relaxing and lazy holiday, but I would say, i had a nice week!!!
The week, I spent long time with the LLDTK's glad that now all of us are getting closer and closer...ha!!
Then, this week I ate a lot ler....nice food!
Pizza Hut....Burger King.....cake....Sushi King.......

wahahaha!!!! nice nice...... nyaik aa aa.....;p
o, ya...not to forget, a fresh experience with the new mamak at my place..
That day, tingting, grace and I worked late, so....that morning (2 smtg 3 ady..) we went to find food!!!....
then, we went in 'that' mamak and ordered our food.
tingting-nasi goreng, grace-maggie goreng, vynn-roti planta
after a while, my roti planta was served..
v: Argg... I think they put whole pack of sugar in my roti planta... it's soooo sweet!!!!!!!!!
Then, grace's maggie goreng was served..
tingting and I quickily tasted it, wow.....they use half bottle of kicap to fried it ler....
ting ting started to worry about his nasi goreng.......
and, same situation happen, they fried the rice with half bottle of kicap...
heheee..."creative" le....
so, we end up eating--
tingting--nasi goreng curry ikan, grace--maggie goreng sambal (smtg), vynn--roti curry 'kua'
(err,that one called 'kua'?? not sure ler,have to ask tingting....)
so, in conclusion, what's nice in the mamak??
- - Milo ais & Horlick ais!!
- pics of Tiny...She's soo cute...and everyone loves her......~~ -

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firstly - its roti dengan kuah DAL...(spelling u have ti ask damaris!!!) hehehe
secondly - its MILO O panas ... remember??? I have 2 somemore ... n pls a ... where got ppl order Milo Ais???
Third - I had good time too. Somemore just makan-makan @ grace's place rite!!!
haha..pai se la....
ppl forgot about what you guys ordered ma.....
so,i should say---only the milo-o-panas and horlick are nice la..?!?!!
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