new experiences
yesterday was fun.
experienced many first-experiences in one day! ;)
having FTV presentation and our group docu is about Malaysian Fashion Identity.
all of us were dress up! eva in a really nice kabaya....andrew in a really cun baju melayu..(really nice la!!!!) then, SY in a cheong sam top where grace and I were in batik top!
we were so nice all these traditional costume!!!
for 20 years,this is my first time with a batik top.
at first I'm like..hmm, bit...strange la...
but,then...everyone praise me....that i'm nice in batik...hahaha......
opps... ;p
suddenly feel like buy kebaya ler~~~
last night - another new experience....going to Planet Shakers Concert with my cell members.
first time to concert....
at first I felt like...err....o..... (coz,everyone jump up and down...n.....I.......just cant like them la.... ;p)
being influence by others....and..I enjoyed myself there. ;D

and i bought myself this...Planet Shakers-t~
last but not least, experienced a 'dark' time at home.
heheee,days ago, the living room's light spoiled.
Then, last night, toilet's light spoiled.
just the door,and welcome you is a totally 'dark' room....(at night la)
hmm....although I bit %$!@# with the 'dark' environment, think positively, new experience ma......
Tell me about Malaysia. We have a new friend from there and I don't know much about the country. He got arrested for something here and is worried he will be torured there or worse. He was arrested for drugs and in Malaysia that is very bad. Is that true?
drugs...ya,is serious in M'sia ler..
hmm,start my holiday d, so...ll take my time collecting more interesting stuff about M'sia and share here ya~~ ;)
erm ... no electricity at night? eeeee careful ... after got emily "mei gui" then u know! Nyakakaka
hey!go check out cm man!!they have damn CHUN PAREO SKIRTS!!Batik motif
only rm15!!
hurry while stock last
p/s: planet shakers was in town meh?
andrew: funny ha!!! very scare n i not yet watch the movie la!!!!duh! ;p
dee:yup!! planet shakers were in kl!!! yesterday (11.10)was their last nite here ler...they're rock!!! ;)
oo??batik motif one..? emm, what is 'cm' ler?? ;p
:D central market
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