last night.
i was frustrated with Tipie--the new member at my house.
it's a puppy.
just now only i realized it's so difficult to take care of puppy. luckily,not mine..
today was my last night in kl. will go back to pg tommorow le..
let's see.
LLDTK,finishing soon.
pai se ler,tingting cant help you to finish it.. feel bad la.
anything,mc or sms me oo!~~ ;)
hmm...really cant wait to watch LLDTK la~~
i think i live in a pet house ler.. (wah,i soo bad la!)
coz, my house got 2 catss and one puppy le.
wondering how are they going to stay together ler? dog and catss under one roof wor...
o,ya...i have some pictures of the accessories that we bought in Laconic (Pg trip)
all of us like their accessories le...especially tt. hahaha
hmm, wanna know more about our Pg trip. i think you guys should go to andrew's blog le. i think he will blog about that. (if din have, maybe i shall tell more about the trip lo??)
ok la...that's all.
o,ya....not to forget. i think i will not blog that frequent lol...coz,back in pg......dial up ma..

i like the red color one!
P/s: dogs and cats can live together..i had a puppy and four kittens in one house biggie
haha....nice is it???
ndrew love that too...
wow,this is my first time back to my blog after i back in pg ler...
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